About This Blog

Great Horned Owl in our backyard

This blog is dedicated to Mother Nature and to all those people who are humbled and inspired by the wonders of creation. It has really become a passion of mine to photograph nature and share it with others. I've always been a writer and a lover of nature and this blog is a way for me to share some of my thoughts along with some of the amazing beauty I get to see all the time living on the Front Range of the the Colorado Rocky Mountains.
Over the past ten years, I have really become passionate about birds. This passion was sparked by my very dear friend and mother-in-love, Christine. I call her 'mother-in-love' because this truly does describe her role in my life. She is the mother of my late husband who lost his life in a tragic car accident at 22. Christine is a special person in my life and I have learned so many wonderful and nurturing things from her as she has been a natural mother of six children and is also passionate about Holistic Health and Homeopathy as well as Natural Parenting. 
Christine has always been passionate about birds and when I lived back East for a while in her home, I used to watch the birds out the kitchen window who would visit each day to take a bath and enjoy Christine's amazing garden she created with birds in mind. It was always a relaxing and peaceful (and sometimes exciting when the rare birds appeared!) time and I appreciate it even more now when I go back East to visit. After moving out to Colorado and seeing the different variety of bird species out here as well as the migrating birds that pass through the region, I've really grown passionate about identifying them and photographing them.  It really seems to fill my cup and definitely keeps me glowing for a few days after taking some great photos of them. 
Exploring nature is something that I think we all love to do. It really keeps us down to earth and creates a sense of clarity that we constantly need to keep ourselves balanced in this busy world. I really enjoy sharing my words and pictures on this blog. I hope you enjoy them also.

Check out my other blog, Moonbeam, where I blog about my family, cooking, gardening and photoging more of nature. I also have been inspired by One Small Change , a community of like-minded folks who are challenged to make one eco-friendly change each month. It's really been an awesome experience so far and I have been making my own cleaning products. I have a few of my recipes posted on my blog. Check it out if interested and join the One Small Change community if interested, too! 

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